The movement of meteor shower radiants over aeons

The movement of meteor shower radiants over aeons

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Various email messages have alerted me to some discussion of the Taurid meteor showers here, and of references to what I wrote in my book Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets (Wiley, NYC, 1995). I have no desire to enter into a protracted debate on this – indeed, there is little to debate about – and so here I will just summarize a few pertinent points, whilst trying not to be impertinent and upset people. The reality of the universe, however, is that things are as they are, and not as anyone might wish or imagine.

What I wrote in that book is broadly correct. I used the word “broadly” there not to suggest that anything is wrong, as such, but rather to indicate that readers should recognise that in a popular-level book it is necessary for an author to simplify things somewhat, whereas in a refereed research paper the author(s) must be rigorous in giving the necessary detail. What I am trying to advise here is that if one wants to understand what is going on, a popular-level book is only a starting point: one must go back to the primary literature, and one must have the capability to understand it.

The core subject at hand here is the precessional movement of the Taurid meteoroid stream and therefore the shifts over centuries and millennia of the associated meteor shower radiants, and times of occurrence within a year. There are two types of precession involved: apsidal precession, and nodal precession. In order to explain what is going on, let me start with the Earth (although that involves a third type of precession: the precession of the equinoxes).

The precession of the equinoxes describes the shifting of the vernal equinox, and is due to the torque imposed on our non-spherical planet by the Moon, and the Sun, although there are minor contributions from other planets. This torque causes the spin axis of the Earth to swivel around, or precess. This has the effect of moving the positions of the equinoxes ‘backwards’ along the ecliptic (i.e. opposite in direction to Earth’s orbital path). From antiquity astronomers have termed the direction of the vernal equinox “the first point of Aries”, although that direction is now in Pisces, and in a few centuries’ time it will have shifted into Aquarius. A full rotation of the equinox locations around the ecliptic takes about 26,000 years.

A quite different type of precession is apsidal precession. The line of apsides is the straight line connecting the perihelion and aphelion points of any heliocentric orbit. Gravitational tugs by the planets, in particular Jupiter, cause Earth’s line of apsides to swivel around, completing a circuit of the ecliptic in the ‘forward’ (prograde) sense in about 110,000 years. This is a long interval (i.e. this precession is slow) because Earth’s orbit is low-eccentricity (e = 0.0167 currently), and far from Jupiter.

The above two precessional changes of the Earth are simply described here.

Note that these two precessional effects combined produce a climatic cycle of duration t (the period of rotation of perihelion as referenced against the equinoxes) given by their harmonic sum:
(1/t) = (1/26,000) + (1/110,000) results in t = 21,000 years, this cycle being evidenced in the geological record.

Let us return now to the Taurid meteoroid stream. Its orbit is: (a) larger than Earth’s orbit; (b) of fairly high eccentricity; and (c) of low inclination. A consequence of these considerations is that the apsidal precession rate of that stream, dominated by Jupiter’s influence, is much faster than that of the Earth. Table AI in Asher and Clube (1993) – available for free download here – indicates a rotation interval for the line of apsides of about 7,000 years for orbital elements similar to Comet 2P/Encke (a=2.2 AU, e=0.85) and less still for orbits with larger aphelion distances (taking them nearer to Jupiter). See also Appendix B and Figure A2 in Asher and Clube (1993), in which numerical integrations of characteristic orbits are compared with the results from secular perturbation theory.

I hasten to add that this fundamental understanding is by no means new, and in the case of the Taurids was investigated by Fred Whipple over 75 years ago (see: F.L.Whipple, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 83, 711, 1940).  Whipple established that the Taurid stream had to be at least 12,000 years old on the basis of its dynamics. Later researchers including myself have pushed out the necessary timespan to above 18,000 years (e.g. see various papers by Poulat Babadzhanov and colleagues, such as this), and likely 20,000–30,000 years.

The simple reason for this derived timescale is that, during each rotation of the line of apsides, the stream orbit intersects the ecliptic at Earth’s heliocentric distance (near 1 AU) four times: in the pre- and post-perihelion legs of the orbit, at both the ascending and the descending node. As a result, four annual meteor showers may be detected: an optically- and radar-detected pair of showers on the nightside of the Earth (at one time of year), only radar being feasible for the dayside pair (at a different time of year). Let me term this set of four showers a ‘quadruplet’.

One thing that often confuses people is the fact that the orbital inclination of 2P/Encke (almost 12 degrees) is substantially higher than the inclinations of Taurid meteoroids (only a few degrees). This is because, in the phases when Taurid meteoroids have orbital parameters resulting in them crossing the ecliptic near 1 AU (i.e. when collisions with the Earth and therefore observation as meteors are possible), their inclinations are small, whereas currently 2P/Encke is in a high-inclination phase of its evolution. These consistent inclination oscillations over millennia are shown in Figure A2 of Asher and Clube (1993).

An important thing to note is this. During the (say) 7,000 years it takes for a complete revolution of the line of apsides, the stream’s orbital plane also precesses, under gravitational perturbations again dominated by Jupiter. This is called ‘nodal precession’. (One can get some idea about this by looking here, although the examples given there are focussed on the nodal precession of satellites in geocentric orbit, the main cause in that case being Earth’s non-spherical gravitational field.)

The time for a complete rotation of the nodes around the ecliptic for an orbit like 2P/Encke may be obtained again from Table AI in Asher and Clube (1993), the answer being about 55,000 years. That is, in angular terms the nodal precession rate is about eight times slower than the apsidal precession rate (for that particular orbit).

The end result is that each time a rotation of the line of apsides occurs a new quadruplet of showers is formed, but these are separated from the previous quadruplet by about six or seven weeks (one-eighth of a year). Because we identify at least three sets of quadruplets (i.e. twelve distinct showers) we know that the Taurid complex has been developing for at least three times 7,000 years. Tentative identifications of other showers mean that likely the timescale is somewhat over 20,000 years. On these dynamical grounds and other lines of evidence my personal standpoint – always subject to revision in line with newer and better evidence – is that the Taurid Complex has formed in the inner solar system over about the past 30,000 years.

Comet 2P/Encke (around 5 km in size) is often considered the parent of the Taurids, but its present mass is only a tiny fraction (well below 1 per cent) of the overall mass of the complex, to which extent my opinion is that 2P/Encke is simply the largest lump remaining from an original comet 50–100 km in size that has undergone an episodic hierarchical disintegration, spawning a vast complex of material which we are yet to comprehend fully. This is the core subject of a forthcoming review by Napier, Asher, Bailey and Steel (Astronomy & Geophysics, 2015 December).

The next point to which I turn attention is the nature of the Taurid meteor showers’ radiants. Most strong meteor showers have single, compact radiants, and the showers last only a day or so, perhaps a week at most. This is not the case with the Taurids, which have long been recognised to have prolonged activity stretching (for the present nighttime showers) at least from mid-October through to the end of November. In fact, one can make a case for a resumption thereafter into January or February, and also an earlier start.

In essence the Taurids have radiants that are a few degrees north and south of the ecliptic (in fact, arranged close to symmetrically about the orbital plane of Jupiter: remember that it is Jupiter that dominates their orbital evolution) but have a finite spread in ecliptic longitude on any particular night; and the mean radiant shifts along in ecliptic longitude by about a degree from night to night, as is to be expected (because the Earth moves by about a degree each day). Although there are many examples showing this in various papers published over the years, I will refer readers to an older summary, published in 1952: see Figure 1 in this report.

In view of this is would be a mistake to think of the Taurids having a discrete radiant. In any year for any night (or day, for the post-perihelion/daytime showers) one can determine a mean radiant, but that mean radiant moves from night to night, reflecting intersections with Earth by meteoroids which have followed slightly different orbital evolution paths by dint of their specific orbital parameters (again: see Table AI of Asher and Clube (1993)). Distinct initial orbits of the meteoroids result from such considerations as: (i) when they were released from the parent body/bodies; (ii) their velocities relative to the parent; (iii) the peculiarities of their particular evolution (e.g. close approaches to the terrestrial planets); (iv) various other physical effects such as the Poynting-Robertson pseudo-force; and so on.

What this means is that different quadruplets can have overlapping activity, in terms of the times of year in which meteors from different parts of the convoluted stream may be detected. For example, if we keep an assumed eccentricity e=0.85 but increase the semi-major axis to a=2.4 AU, it would take only about 4,000 years for a complete rotation of the line of apsides, so that in terms of precession this slightly-larger orbit would ‘overtake’ that with a=2.2 AU.

Apart from such considerations, the mean radiants for the showers in historical times will have been quite different from what is observed now. As explained above, secular perturbations (dominated by Jupiter) cause steady nodal precession such that in antiquity the showers will have occurred earlier in the year, and accordingly the shower radiants will have been in different locations.

Which locations? The answer is somewhat easy to state. In radar surveys of meteor radiants (and orbits) there are only a few dominant radiant regions recognised, the most prominent being termed the ‘helion’ and ‘anti-helion’ sources; for a recent example, see this paper.

These regions get their names because they are close to the directions of the Sun (on the dayside) and the opposite celestial location to the Sun (on the nightside), due the effect of compounding the Earth’s orbital velocity vector with the velocity vectors of the incoming meteoroids. Therefore, at any time in antiquity the nighttime showers we now associate with the Taurid Complex will have appeared to have been emanating from the direction opposite to the Sun, at whichever time of year they were occurring.

In fact it appears that at least 50 per cent (and perhaps 80 per cent) of the influx of small bodies to the Earth on an annual basis is derived from these helion and anti-helion sources, most of the mass being held in small meteoroids 1 mm and smaller in size.

We have various reasons, though, to think that the distribution of matter in the Taurid streams is by no means uniform and random. This would imply that in various epochs the conditions are achieved whereby meteor storms occur, for relatively brief periods (hours), and continuing for some centuries, but not occurring every year. Such storms may well contain larger objects, of the Tunguska/Chelyabinsk class. The celestial mechanics involved here is rather more complicated than what I have described above in qualitative terms, and so I must leave any explanation aside and merely encourage readers to see the various research papers published over the years by those working in this specific area, starting with Whipple.

An implication of this is that at various times in antiquity there must have been metaphorical fireworks in the sky, and I am confident that such events had a significant effect upon the civilisations existing in such eras. Understanding what they might have experienced, and how they might have interpreted it, is a worthy pursuit. Gaining such an understanding, however, would necessitate first developing a good knowledge of what we already know about the evolution of meteoroid streams and the celestial mechanics involved.

I hope that the above will prove useful to those interested in this area of study. Unfortunately I am pre-occupied with other matters (such as making a living) and so I am unable to provide any further answers to queries. I urge readers not to accept blindly what I have written above, but rather to dig out the vast literature available on this subject written by many excellent researchers over the past several decades: check what I have written, and verify it in primary sources (i.e. refereed research papers).

Duncan Steel
Nelson, New Zealand


Questions about the Radar Data for MH370

Questions about the Radar Data for MH370

by Victor Iannello, ScD
September 24, 2015

A PDF version of this report may be downloaded by clicking here or here (540 kB).

Notice: The views expressed here belong solely to Victor Iannello and do not necessarily represent the views of the Independent Group (IG), or any other group or individual.


In a recent paper [1], we analyzed the position and time data derived from the publicly-available radar data for MH370, and made the following observations:

  • After the turn back towards the Malay Peninsula, the flight path recorded by civilian primary surveillance radar (PSR), civilian secondary surveillance radar (SSR), and military radar are consistent with a flight at a Mach number (M) equal to 0.84 at a cruising level of FL340.
  • If the aircraft did fly at a steady M = 0.84, then the timestamps for some of the PSR contained in the Factual Information (FI) [2] are offset by about 35 seconds.
  • After the left turn at around 17:23:38 UTC, the aircraft might have descended from FL350 to FL340 and accelerated from a ground speed of 473 kn to a ground speed of greater than 500 kn.
  • In the FI [2], the PSR data between 17:47:02 and 17:52:35 UTC are attributed to the radar site at Kota Bharu, but more likely were collected by another radar site. The PSR data between 17:30:37 and 17:44:52 are correctly attributed to Kota Bharu.
  • In the FI [2], it is stated that Indonesian military radar recorded MH370 as it traveled toward IGARI but not as it traveled back over Malaysia. One explanation is that Indonesian radar site was powered down after midnight, local time.
  • The sharp turn to the left at around 17:23:38 UTC is unexplained, and could be due to either an inaccurate graphical portrayal of the radar track, or crossing radar tracks from two aircraft.
  • The curve in the radar path close to Kota Bharu can be explained by “slant range” due to high altitudes and close distances.
  • Fuel consumption models which assume that MH370 flew near Long Range Cruise (LRC) speeds and at cruising altitudes between 17:07 and 18:22 are likely accurate.

The estimated path and speeds for MH370 from takeoff to the last radar point [1] is shown in Figure 1.

Bob Hall [3] used the software package STK to calculate the radar range for various military radar installations in Thailand and Malaysia that may have seen MH370. The range calculations were solely based on the line-of-sight between the target aircraft and the radar head, including any obstruction caused by terrain features such as hills and mountains. The calculations were performed for a geometric altitude of 37,000 ft, which corresponds to a pressure altitude of about 35,000 ft (i.e. FL350) over Malaysia at the time of the disappearance. The results are shown in Figure 2. (The path shown for MH370 in Figure 2 is not exactly correct because at the time the plot was generated in October 2014, the details of MH370’s path as derived from the radar data were not known.)

Based on the work performed in [1] and [3], we have developed a list of questions related to the radar data that would help the public to better understand this incident. We believe that the answers to many or all of these questions are known to the Malaysian investigators, and we see no valid reason for not making this knowledge available to the public.


Figure 1. Estimated path and speeds for MH370 from takeoff to the last radar point [1]. 


Figure 2. Range of military radar sites for an aircraft at 37,000 ft [3]. 


(A higher-resolution, bitmap version of Figure 2,
without the annotation at left.)


  1. Was the turn to the left after IGARI captured by Malaysian military radar? It was in range of the radar head at Bukit Puteri, Jirtih, but near the range limits of Western Hill, Penang Island.
  1. Was the turn to the left after IGARI captured by Thai military radar? It was near the range limits of the radar heads at Ko Samui Island and Khok Muang.
  1. The turn to the left after IGARI was depicted in two ways. At the meeting with the next-of-kin (NOK) on Mar 21, 2014, at the Lido Hotel in Beijing, it was depicted as a looping, 270-degree turn to the right, as shown in Figure 3. By contrast, in Figure 2 of the ATSB report [4] from June 26, 2014, the turn is depicted as a sharp turn to the left. What is the reason for this discrepancy of the depictions of the turn after IGARI? Which of these depictions is correct?

Figure 3. Flight path shown to the NOK on March 21, 2014, at the Lido Hotel in Beijing.

  1. The depiction of the turn after IGARI as a sharp turn to the left seems to be beyond the performance limitations of a B777. Was the turn accurately depicted in Figure 2 of the ATSB report [4] from June 26, 2014?
  2. Is it possible that the sharp turn to the left after IGARI is actually the crossing of the radar returns from two aircraft?
  3. What specifically led investigators to conclude that the unidentified aircraft that crossed the Malay Peninsula and proceeded up the Malacca Strait was indeed MH370?
  4. On March 21, 2014, military radar data from an unidentified aircraft (assumed to be MH370)) above the Malacca Strait was presented to the NOK at the Lido Hotel in Beijing, and shown in Figure 4 . Were these radar returns captured by the radar installation at Western Hill, Penang Island?


Figure 4. Radar data shown to the NOK on March 21, 2014, at the Lido Hotel in Beijing.

  1. At the time of disappearance of the unidentified aircraft from military radar at 18:22 UTC, the aircraft was within range of the Thai military radar head at Phuket. Did this radar station also capture this unidentified aircraft? Is so, what was the path after 18:22?
  2. In Figure 1.1F of the FI [2], the radar returns between 17:30:37 and 17:52:35 are attributed to the primary surveillance radar (PSR) returns as captured at Kota Bharu. The unidentified aircraft was supposedly captured by Kota Bharu radar until it reached just south of Penang, which exceeds the 60 nm range of the radar head at Kota Bharu. How is it possible that the radar returns are correctly attributed to Kota Bharu for the entire interval between 17:30:37 and 17:52:35? Is it possible that the radar returns after 17:44:52 were captured by another installation such as the terminal approach radar at Butterworth?
  3. What was the cause of the disappearance of radar returns from the unidentified aircraft after 17:44:52, 17:48:39, 17:52:35, and 18:07:16? Some believe this indicates the unidentified aircraft was descending at these times, but this interpretation is not consistent with calculations [1] that indicate that the unidentified aircraft flew at nearly constant 498 KTAS, corresponding to M=0.84 at FL340.
  4. Is it possible that the disappearance of the unidentified aircraft from radar was due to electronic countermeasures such as jamming and deception?
  5. In Figure 1.1F of the FI [2], there is a point labeled as P1706 that is located near Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), but has a timestamp which appears to be 17:28:41, which should place the target much closer to the left turn after IGARI. What is the reason for this anomalous capture?
  6. As described in [1], there seems to be a time shift of about 35 sec from some of the radar returns attributed to the PSR head at Kota Bharu. Are all of the timestamps from Figure 1.1F of the FI [2] referenced to a single clock, or at least from synchronized clocks?
  7. In Figure 4, there is an anomalous return (as labelled in black by VI) at 02:07:06 MYT (18:07:06 UTC) that is north of the other returns and is not explained. Was this target possibly another aircraft?
  8. The radar images presented to the public to date show no other traffic. What other traffic was in the vicinity of MH370 and the unidentified aircraft?


[1] Victor Iannello, “Some Observations on the Radar Data for MH370”, August 18, 2015. Also available here.

[2] Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation Team for MH370, “Factual Information, Safety Investigation for MH370”, March 8, 2015; updated April 15, 2015.

[3] Bob Hall, private email to the Independent Group, October 16, 2014; used with permission.

[4] Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), “MH370 – Definition of Underwater Search Areas”, June 26, 2014.



MH370 flaperon drift analysis

MH370 flaperon drift analysis

This post is intended simply to make interested readers aware of the MH370 flaperon drift analysis just published by David Griffin (CSIRO, Australia), which is available here.

Given various recent public statements by scientists who really should know better, plus of course the various silly comments on the internet by people who are not able to know better, this drift analysis is a welcome beam of sense and logic. As Griffin states in his concluding paragraph:

“Taking the modelling and observations together, we stand by our earlier conclusions: the finding of the flaperon is not a reason to doubt the present choice of sea-floor search area. And with only one piece of MH370 found, the presence of ocean turbulence makes it essentially impossible to refine the sea-floor search area with any confidence. The flaperon finding does, however, support the flight-path analysis conclusion that the 39°S-32°S segment of the 7th arc is indeed the highest-priority search region for MH370.”